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Paris, Piko and Kiko

>> Jul 5, 2009

These are all my pets.  My mum and dad bought Kiko and Piko at Tamu Stall at $40 each last 2 months.  These rabbits are called American Spoted Cincila from Australia.  Piko is a male, white with black spots.  Kiko is a female with brown and white in colour.

Piko and Kiko are sharing their food

Paris is a persian cat.  Dad bought for me this cat at a prize of $300 from his friend cats' lover last June the 12th. That time he was 11 month. Now he is 1 year old. He looks like garfield fur. Look at him....he is charming and big.

"Piko I will look after u. Where's Kiko?"
Paris ..what are you looking at?

Hey..Paris...freeze...dont move...


A party in my house.

>> Jun 23, 2009

 On sunday I went to the supermarket with my mother.  I bought lots of food for the party in my house.  After shopping, I went home and prepared plates and glasses on the table.  My mother cooked the food.  My friends and cousins were invited to my party.  During the party we all had lots of fun.  Some of them were dancing and singing.

After the party I realized that it was a 'MESS'. My mother asked me to clean up all the mess.  Anyway I enjoyed the party very much........this is only my imagination.....I just like to draw.


Sweet Black soy sauce fried rice for my father

>> May 21, 2009

This is simple fried rice for my father.  My father likes to cook fried rice since he is in Pakistan...So here it is babah the very simple recipe for you.
Ingredient: cooking oil, onion, black soy sauce, egg, cooked rice ,one tomato and salt.

Cook until smell tasty and yummy-yummy.

Babah...its yummmy and tasty.
Ice-cream banana for salad


A Jungle Pig Near My House

>> May 20, 2009

These pictures were taken late this afternoon.  We saw a jungle pig came out of the bush. It was moving here and there  looking for food.  Then we took some snaps quickly before it ran away.  My brother, Naqib, was happy but scared to have a picture behind him..Now we know how the jungle pig looks like, we thought that pigs are always pink in colour.


I'm not afraid of the Ghost Movie -Jangan Tegur

>> May 19, 2009

Last Sunday I was watching the movie at The Mall Cinema.  My auntie Amit Marni paid the movie tickets for me, my sister Iffah, My mum, My grandmother, Usu Zimah, Babu Linda and Hazirah.  The ticket costs $8.00 for adult and a child half prize.

Usu Zimah was too scared to see the movie..for me it was not too scared. hahahaha..ooooouh.

My mum took pictures in the cinema..
Are you scared? 

But Usu Zimah did.
She said to me , she dreamed of that ghost lady.


My slide show

>> May 9, 2009


Baking a 'Bingka susu'

>> May 7, 2009

Today my mother was teaching me how to bake a simple cake. It's name is Bingka Susu. The ingridients are 4 eggs , skimmed milk, flour, custard powder, sugar and water.

After mixing all the ingredients, I cooked it at temperature of 180 for 30 minutes.

Wow, I have done it....Now I can be a chefffffff....


Naqib learns IQRA 2

>> Apr 24, 2009

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook:


Work of Art

>> Apr 19, 2009

This is my sister's (Iffah) drawing "lesung batu" assignment on the right.

This is my drawing of cats. I love cats very much. One day I will have a Persian cat.

This is another piece of my drawing.

My sister when she was 6 months old


Sport Day on 18th April 2009.

>> Apr 18, 2009

This photo was taken this morning, we attended the sport event at Sekolah Rendah Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah. Parents were invited to come to see the sport competition.My mum didn't come to the sports event because she was working. The Blue Team won. I took part in the 400 metres event but I lost.


Naqib and his new TV

My brother was very lucky on 15th April. He was given a 21" tv for being answering a quiz given by the Department of Civil Aviation Ministry of Communication on the 30th march at Yayasan Mall. Babah must proud of him..Babah how are u in Pakistan...Naqib Boy...Boy....Boy


My 10th Birthday

>> Mar 14, 2009

Yesterday was my birthday. It was Friday the 13th. I celebrated my birthday at my grandmother's house, Lambak kiri.

This is my ice cream birthday cake. It was surrounded by colourful tarts.


My hamsters today

>> Feb 12, 2009


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